Chemistry students study how atoms link together to form larger structures such as molecules, and the mechanisms by which molecules can be reshaped and adapted. This subject occupies a central position between physics, mathematics and engineering on the one hand, and biology, earth science and medicine on the other.
Subject content
Throughout the course you will cover topics from the three different branches of chemistry:
Physical Chemistry is the study of how matter behaves on a molecular and atomic level and how chemical reactions occur. Based on their analyses, physical chemists may develop new theories, such as how complex structures are formed. You will study topics such as; atomic structure, thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibria and electrochemical cells.
Organic Chemistry focuses on the structure, properties and applications of various carbon-containing molecules that make up important biological molecules such as proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and vitamins.
Inorganic Chemistry is concerned with the properties and behaviour of inorganic compounds, which include metals, minerals, and organometallic compounds. Inorganic compounds are generally those that are not biological. During the course you will study topics such as; Periodicity, Group 2, the alkaline earth metals, Group 7, the halogens, transition metals and reactions of ions in aqueous solution.
Learning methods
A variety of teaching approaches will be deployed during the course and will consist of independent study and research, tutor led lessons and practical investigations.
Assessment will take the form of written examinations, at the end of the two years of study. A separate endorsement of practical skills will be taken alongside the A-level. This will be assessed by teachers and will be based on direct observation of students.
Sixth Form entry requirements and a grade 5 or above in GCSE mathematics, grade 5 or above in all three separate sciences or grade 6 in combined science.
Chemistry helps us to understand the world in which we live and underpins a wide range of science-based degree courses and careers. Success with A-level Chemistry will prepare you for a future in pharmacy, pharmacology, chemical engineering, biochemistry, medicine and dentistry.